One of my favorite summer activities is taking my two boys (currently 7 and 9 year olds) to amusement parks. Even better- is taking them to a park where their Daddy has lent a hand in creating some of the excitement. Our friends at Dorney Park, located in Allentown PA, recently enlisted us to spiff up the Peanuts 500 ride. Positioned within their Camp Snoopy area, the Peanuts 500 ride gives little guys and gals a feel for a Nascar style race track. The IDWraps team printed and installed full wraps for all 8 miniature race car bodies which circle the track with excitement. To add to the appeal is the quality design work by Jim Schneck featuring local businesses such as the Lehigh Valley Ironpigs, Phantoms, and Channel 69. These sponsorships offer potentially thousands of daily impressions for the sponsors.

The miniature car wraps were printed using 3M’s IJ180MC vinyl film with 3M’s 8518 gloss protective overlaminate. Quality materials are a necessity for high wear applications such as amusement rides. Consider that hundreds of kids will be standing on, rubbing against, and picking at these graphics. The 3M film was printed on our HP L365 latex printers which offer excellent long term durability, as these cars will be exposed to the challenge of UV exposure from the sun all season long.

The installations were somewhat typical of a usual full size vehicle, but at a much smaller scale. The prints were prepared in sections per facet, as with our usual full size wrap. The fiberglass bodies offered a nice high energy surface which provided excellent adhesion which inhibits any lifting of the installation. Its always good when the films go down smooth, and stay there for the long haul. The Dorney team were very kind to allow us to install the wraps within their maintenance facility where the cars were placed on horses during the applications. This was surely more convenient than installing the wraps while the cars were mounted to the ride platform. It’s a treat when your able to install at an ideal work height.
So if you find yourself having a blast around Dorney Park, have a close look at the quality visual elements created by their graphic services team. Our involvement has surely drawn our attention to the high level of even the smallest of details they pay attention to. Check out Dorney Park by CLICKING HERE.