Always great to see our clients experience rapid growth. Here is our second 3M MCS Certified NV200 van wrap project we’ve done for the nationally recognized What the Fork food truck and catering. Yes, I said catering. What the Fork is available to cater your event with their freshly made world class delicacies. This new Nissan NV 200 mini cargo van is slated to be significant competition for the Ford Transit connect in the “compact cargo van” market. Many business are ditching their full size vans for these fuel efficient haulers. Even more, many catering and food service businesses are utilizing van wrapping as a means to reach out to thousands of potential clients every day. An added benefit is the improved image of the business. It’s a great idea to have excellent curb appeal when you show up to visit a client. One surely could argue that unmarked, or less than properly marked food service vehicles may sometimes seem almost suspicious to food consumers. Why not? Most folks can be a little concerned about what goes into their bodies. They’ve also heard all the horror stories of kitchen shutdowns due to bacteria or various sanitary code violations. A wrap is a great way to prove to prospects and existing clients alike, that the best quality products are being served. This is just one benefit to arriving with the best looking food service vehicle at your event.
Along with the image boost upon arrival, the wrapped vehicle now is your billboard. While you work inside the event, the wrapped vehicle is now gathering thousands of impressions (especially if parked near traffic) by simply parking in the right spot. Outside of the work zone are other opportunities to be seen almost anywhere. You may score the next client simply by stopping for gas and being noticed.
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