Pictured below is a pool company wrap that our 3M UASG certified team completed for the folks at Penn Valley Pools. If you’re near the Philadelphia market, check them out at www.pennvalleypools.com. This Toyota Tundra pickup was fully wrapped with 3M IJ180Cv3 removable film with 3M 8518 gloss overlaminate applied. The overlaminate adds a nice glossy protective layer to the vibrant digital wide format prints. This film actually has UV inhibitors formulated within. This helps to reduce sun fading over time. We like to think that our wraps are wearing UV resistant sun glasses. Another protective aspect, is abrasion resistance. The laminate is formulated with scratch resistant PVC materials. This helps avoid potential damage from scuffs and abrasive contaminants such as salt, cinders, and other physical related dangers that may present themselves. Lastly, is the chemical resistance. This helps with the occasional gas spill, or environmental contaminants such as acid rain.
Our talented design team leveraged a high resolution pool job photo which was supplied by our client. Like any large format graphics project, vehicle wraps require very high quality photos. The average photo that looks “good” at a 4″ x 6″ may not be very presentable when blown up to 20x this size when viewed up close. We do recommend the use of a digital SLR camera at a minimum of 10 megapixels. RAW formats are always best. Yes, the RAW file may be very large and tough to email, but there’s a reason why there is so much data in this format. The big benefit is that it is not compressed and there are no related losses of quality or resolution. The other trick is to get a great angle on your subject. This will be covered on a future blog post. Do feel free to reach out to us for more info on resolution questions, or for pricing on your pool company wrap.
Get your free vehicle wrap quote today at: www.IDWraps.com
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