Traditional vehicle wraps do their work well every day, all year. However, when the sun goes down, like anything outdoors, they’re not quite as easily seen. Enter reflective wrap films. Reflective vinyl graphics are surely nothing new. The true news about reflective is the availability of more flexible wrap materials. Traditionally, reflective graphics were thick, and somewhat rigid. This made these graphics incompatible with many complex vehicle surfaces. The advent of new materials, such as 3M’s IJ780MC, provides the flexibility to conform to very complex shapes. Essentially, this material may be used to wrap the entirety of any vehicle, including curvy bumpers and door handles. In addition to the application flexibility. 3M’s IJ780MC also has a much higher angle of reflectivity. What this means (thanks to nano technology) is this film reflects light from relatively hard angles. It is not necessary to shine a light directly at the film. It picks up light from a wide scope of directions. This property makes the graphics “light up” much more often than when headlights are pointed in a head on orientation.

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All this wonderful technology does come at a premium though. The latest and greatest materials are rarely the cheapest. One way to maximize value with reflective films is reflective spot graphics applied on top of a non-reflective vehicle wrap. Here, strategic elements are produced on reflective film, and reducing the amount of material used, while maintaining maximum design impact.
Perhaps you already have a vehicle wrap, and would like to add more “pop” in the evening hours. You may be in need of some spot overlay reflective elements on your design. We’re always here to offer effective suggestions. Call us today for a free quote.
Learn more about 3M reflective films at 3M Graphics