Most folks think that wrapping is just for cars and trucks. At, it is always our pleasure to inform our clients on all the surfaces in this world that are wrappable. One growing market for us is window graphics wrap advertising. Shown below is a great restaurant window wrap example with premium curb appeal for a small group of restaurant windows which we wrapped for What the Fork, a small restaurant chain with national franchise aspirations. The window films are actually perforated which allows for unobstructed visibility from within the facility. Passer by’s get an instant feel of the culture that this independent eatery offers.
In some applications, it is desireable to use a small hole pattern in the film. Even with an 80/20 distribution of visibility (20% holes in the film,) it is still easy to see out from inside the establisment. Some clients find this to be desirable, as it does offer some privacy from within. Think of it a s a one way vision film. The backside of the film actually has a black adhesive which offers a great deal of contrast with the outside light. In our travels, we see many windows not being used to their full potential. Window advertising has been around for decades, yet it appears that so many opportunities may be lost from pedestrial traffic, especailly in multi unit commercial locations. This is highly effective, as thousands of prospects walk by this strip mall location every day. So, when considering any type of window treatments, think about using this space for your next promotion. It is likely you own a blank billboard 😉
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Wilkes Barre is near Scranton, Poconos, Dumont, and Stroudsburg PA