Fresh out of the 3M MCS Certified facilities is the Fish Window wrap for the Fish Window Cleaning franchise. Vehicle wrap advertising has become very popular with all types of franchisors and franchisees alike. At a typical amortized monthly life cost of $60 or less, there are very few advertising mediums that compete with vehicle wrap advertising. With thousands of prospects viewing daily, this van will deliver a very high ROI on this advertising investment.
While this wrap has a great deal of solid red color, many folks may ask “why not just install white lettering on a red van?” Firstly, in the cargo van and commercial vehicle world, white vehicles are most common and are going to be priced more aggressively. In addition, with the tremendous amount of white vehicle inventory at dealerships- you’ll very likely find the options you want. In ways, this is almost common sensical. What would you truly get a better deal on- a special order red, blue, or black van- or the van that is on the lot that the dealer would love to turn over as quickly as possible? The second attribute to a vehicle wrap benefit is the advantage over painting the white van red, then adding lettering. The cost of a quality paint job alone would exceed the price of the wrap alone. Nonetheless, adding lettering on top of the cost of a paint job may be an expensive endeavor. Lastly, and most importantly, is the benefit of paint protection. Yes, this Fish Window wrap is removable without damaging the underlying paint. The wrap acts as a barrier between the elements and the value factory paint job. There is no doubt that this van will be worth more upon resale when it has nearly new looking paint.
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